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Popcorn fundraising results!

What an outstanding job Scouts! With all the craziness going on, we were able to not only meet our popcorn goal, but exceed it. We sold $5,000 of popcorn! Thank you scouts and parents for taking the time to sell popcorn in some pretty nontraditional ways this year. From social media posts, phone calls, and video chats, we were able to raise over $1,400 for our pack plus more for our local council. Thank you again for your hard work and dedication in making our Pack the best it can be. Parents - you should be receiving an email by now or in next few days with prize redemption information for your scout.

And for what we have all been waiting for…. The top 5 sellers who get to throw a pie in their leader’s face are… drum roll please… Jonathan Sweek, Molly Stuhmer, Charlie Sicard, Bryce Settle, and our top seller Sage Sikes. Congratulations scouts!

Our top seller, Sage, already threw his pie after the Bridging Ceremony last week, but for the other four, please stick around after den meetings on 12/13 to take your shot at one of our Cubmasters.

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