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Pinewood Derby Guidelines & Information

Who Can Participate?  Everyone!

That's right!  Scouts, siblings and parents are all eligible to make a car to race on race day.  Make sure to ask for an extra kit if you need one.

Pack 350 Pinewood Derby Design Standards


Race cars shall be constructed for this event from the parts contained in the Official Pinewood Derby Kit (referred to below as the kit) as sold by the Scout stores. Materials from the kit may be supplemented with other "add-ens" with the exception of the wheels and axles.



Race cars may weigh no more than five (5) ounces (total weight) as determined on the official scale during the pre-race check-in. The pack scale will be available at the den meetings and workshops for those desiring to check the weight of their car. The scale will also be available at the church on the morning of the race.


Wheels and Axles

The car shall roll on the wheels from the kit. The wheels shall turn about the axle nails from the kit.  The axle nails shall be firmly affixed to the wood of the car body. It must be obvious to the judges that the wheels and the nails from the kit are being used. Wheels and axles may be smoothed to remove imperfections, but they must retain their original shape. Wheels may not be modified or shaped into narrow points. All four wheels must make contact with the surface of the track.


Wheel Exception

The scout shop sells colored wheel sets. These wheels may be substituted for the black wheels in the kit. You may NOT substitute for the axles under any circumstances.


Wheel Treatment

Wheel treatment (hub and tread smoothing and polishing) may not result in substantial removal of mass nor in reducing the wheel width from the original kit wheels. Some of the original "tread marks" on the wheel face must remain intact, i.e. apparent to the inspector. Wheels may not be machined to a beveled condition and the portion of the wheel surface that contacts the track must remain parallel to the axle.



Race cars may be no longer than 7 inches, nor wider than 2-3/4 (2.75) inches, as determined by the official gauges during the Registration and Inspection. Underside clearance of at least 3/8 (0.375) inches and inside wheel to wheel clearance of at least 1-3/4 (1.75) inches is recommended, so that the car will run on the race track. Adequate clearance is the responsibility of the race car builder. The racing height of the car shall be no taller than 6 inches. For design consideration, taller cars are allowed as long as they are easily modified by the racing staff prior to the actual race. The total check in weight of the car must still meet the requirements above.


Weights and Attachment

Weight may be added to the car and will be considered part of the car for purposes of all measurements. All weight must be securely fastened to the car, e.g. by permanent glue, nails or screws, but not by "sticky substances", e.g. tape, or tack spray. Lead tape shall be allowed for fine tuning the weight of the car. Weights shall be passive, i.e. non-moveable, non-magnetic, non-electric, non-sticky, etc.


Unacceptable Construction

The following may NOT be used in conjunction with the wheels or axles: hubcaps, washers, inserts, sleeves, bearings.


Gravity Powered

The race car may NOT be constructed or treated in such a way that the track's starting mechanism imparts momentum to the car. (For instance, this provision disqualifies cars with sticky substances on the front of the car and protrusions which may catch on the starting pin.)



Only dry lubricants such as graphite or powdered teflon "white lube" will be allowed for lubricating the wheels. Lubricants may not foul the track. All lubricants must be applied outside of the Church facility. In the interest of safety and cleanliness, no lubricants are allowed inside the facility. Cars may NOT be lubricated again between heats.

What else do I need to know?

  1. Design your car

    1. Main design goals for a fast car:

      1. Get weight of car as close to 5 ounces as possible, without going over

      2. Weight should be towards back of car, center of gravity just in front of back axles.  If weight is concentrated behind back axles, the car may wheelie causing it to jump off the track

      3. Car shape should be somewhat aerodynamic

      4. Keep your car regulation to ensure fair racing  – see Pack 350 Design Standards above

  2. Build your car

    1. If you do not have access to power tools, you can use simple hand tools to shape your car such as a hand saw, coping saw, chisel, plane, file, and sandpaper

    2. If you are not comfortable using tools or would like assistance, bring your car to one of our pinewood derby workshops will be offered - see the top of this page for dates and times

    3. Paint/decorate your car however your imagination leads you – just make sure you stay within the Pack 350 Design Standards

  3. Register and check-in your car – Friday night before the race - ALL CARS MUST BE CHECKED IN FRIDAY NIGHT

    1. Your car will be weighed and inspected

    2. There will be a “pit” area with supplies where you can make minor last-minute modifications, such as adding more weight to your car

    3. Once your car has been registered and checked-in, you will no longer be able to access your car until after the race

  4. Race Day!  Saturday morning

    1. Parents – please prepare your scouts for a day of fun and good sportsmanship!

    2. Each car will race 6 times, once in each lane of the track.  The 6 race times of your car will be averaged.  Your car’s average time will be compared to the other cars’ average times for purposes of determining fastest car amongst den and pack

    3. Cars will be raced generally in den order starting with youngest to oldest, Lions race first, Webelos race last

    4. Winners of each den will be announced shortly after all cars from that den have completed their 6 races and results have been compiled

    5. Winners from the pack will be announced after all racing is complete – there will not be a separate finalist’s race

    6. In addition to the pack competition, there will be a separate race for siblings, for adults and for “outlaw” cars that don’t meet the Pack 350 Design Standards

Let's race!


2021 Pinewood Derby Recap

Thank you to our awesome volunteers


Thank you to all of our volunteers who worked so hard to make our first-ever virtual pinewood derby such a success.  A special thanks to Taylor Perkey who donated his expertise and equipment to produce and stream our event.  Please send Taylor your business for any future streaming or video production needs you have.


Race results

  • Overall - Louis Lavy (1st), Patrick Schultheis (2nd), Robert Saltzman (3rd) [the Bear Den continues their tradition of putting up some fast cars!]

  • Most Creative - Louis Lavy (1st), Logan Dow (2nd), Charlie Sicard (3rd)

  • Lion Den - Titus Chance (1st), Angela Schultheis (2nd), Charlie Sicard (3rd)

  • Tiger Den - Forest Lavy (1st), Owen Schneider (2nd), Bryce Settle (3rd)

  • Wolf Den - Benji Hedges (1st), Sampson Chance (2nd), Drew Dawson (3rd)

  • Bear Den - Louis Lavy (1st), Patrick Schultheis (2nd), Robert Saltsman (3rd)

  • Webelos Den - Jonathan Sweek (1st), Nathan McDowell (2nd), Molly Stuhmer (3rd)

  • Sibling - Warren Sicard (1st), Agatha Chance (2nd), Audrey Schneider (3rd)

  • Adult - Amy Sweek (1st), Sarah Schultheis (2nd), Jimmy Atkinson (3rd)

  • Outlaw - Dominic Schultheis (1st), Jeremy Sweek (2nd), Jonathan Sweek (3rd)


For results summary of all cars across all classes, click here



See you in January 2022 for our next race!


2021 Pinewood Derby Livestream Replay

© 2021 by Pack 350, Fort Worth, Texas.

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