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Mark your calendars for upcoming Pack 350 events!

Though we're sad to see summer come to an end, we're excited to start another year of Scouting! Please mark your calendars for a few upcoming events:

August 15 (today!): Pack leadership meeting at 6:30 p.m. at AUMC. We're finalizing the location with the church due to A/C issues and will have an update later today.

August 22nd (Tuesday): Overton Park Elementary recruiting event in the multipurpose room at Overton Park Elementary.

August 24th (Thursday): Tanglewood recruiting event, location TBD

August 29th (Tuesday): First den meetings of the year! Again, we're working with the church on the location due to A/C issues.

September 5th: First Pack meeting

We look forward to another great year with Pack 350!

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