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Tomorrow - Sept. 5th - is Pack 350's First Pack Meeting of the Year! Important Details!

Pack 350's first Pack meeting of the year is tomorrow evening, September 5th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center (Room 240).

For those new to Scouting, our entire Pack meets once per month to make important announcements, acknowledge progress of the Scouts and various dens, and have a great time as an team. These Pack meetings are in lieu of our regular weekly den meetings, which we will resume next week.

At tomorrow's meeting, we'll introduce our new Scouts, discuss the World Scout Fund, give important updates on the fall popcorn sale, and provide information about our fall campout. There will be lots of information at tomorrow's meeting, so please do your best to attend!

Of course, Pack meetings are not just about boring announcements! We'll have a singalong, an "essentials" activity, and more. The entire family is welcome to join!

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